Is It Possible to Have Sex Again If You Have Syphilis?

You can get syphilis if a piece of your body contacts the skin ulcer or rash of somebody with syphilis. This happens regularly during sex. A pregnant lady with syphilis can pass the contamination to her unborn youngster, which is called intrinsic syphilis. 


Would syphilis be able to cause different issues in case it's not treated? 


Indeed. If you progress to Stage 4 syphilis, the harm to your body will deteriorate over the long haul. If your mind and spinal line are influenced, you might turn out to be forever insane and incapacitated. You may likewise become visually impaired and your bones and heart might be hurt. Your aorta might become aroused. This is the enormous vein that interfaces with your heart. Stage 4 syphilis can cause numerous other medical issues. These issues might be gentle or they might be serious enough to undermine your life. 


If you have syphilis, you will be more susceptible to HIV, which causes AIDS. On the off chance that you have HIV and syphilis, you must seek legitimate treatment from the best STI treatment clinic Singapore. Since you have the two illnesses, you are in more danger for genuine medical issues. 


How might I know whether I have syphilis? 


On the off chance that you have skin ulcers or a rash, cheap doctors near me ought to analyze you. The person in question will take an example from your ulcer or rash and utilize a magnifying lens to search for microbes. Regardless of whether you don't have indications, your STD doctor in Singapore can see whether you have syphilis by testing your blood. 


Is there a remedy for Syphilis? 


Indeed. Penicillin is the best syphilis treatment Singapore for each phase of syphilis. It for the most part fixes the sickness. In case you are sensitive to penicillin, your medical services supplier can utilize an alternate medication except if you are pregnant. All pregnant ladies should be treated with penicillin to adequately treat the child. In those cases, you can in any case be dealt with securely on the grounds that your primary care physician will face the potential challenge to forestall an unfavorably susceptible response to the medication. You must visit your medical services supplier to be certain the infection is relieved. 


When would it be advisable to become sexually active? 


On the off chance that you are getting syphilis treatment under a syphilis doctor Singapore, you ought not to have intercourse for 7 days after your treatment is finished. Likewise, if your sex accomplices are not treated you can get syphilis once more. Try not to have intercourse with an accomplice who has syphilis until 7 days after the person completes treatment. 


Syphilis is spread through sex. Along these lines, regardless of whether your sex accomplices don't have any manifestations, they ought to be checked for syphilis. 


How might I forestall syphilis? 


Not having intercourse is the main approach to keep away from disease. 


In the event that you decide to be physically active, use latex or polyurethane condoms each time you have oral, butt-centric, or vaginal sex. This will bring down your odds of giving or getting syphilis. In any case, utilizing condoms won't thoroughly stop your danger of giving or getting syphilis. This is on the grounds that condoms don't cover ulcers and rashes that might be on different pieces of your body or your accomplice's body. Condoms do assist with forestalling the spread of different STDs including HIV, the infection that causes AIDS. 


Will anybody know the consequences of the tests? 


Your syphilis test Singapore results and any treatment will be kept totally secret. Nobody can discover your outcomes, except for you. In case you are under 18, you can be checked and treated for STDs without getting consent from your folks.


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