Importance Of Vaccination For Kids, Things That You Need To Know

Children vaccination is one of those primary issues, which no parents or adults can take granted for. Children are the future hence taking good care of them from their initial days is what we need to start our parenting with. Well, there are several centres offering vaccination. You can look for vaccination for kids Singapore, kids vaccination Singapore, and vaccination for baby in Singapore. Well, a list of good quality centres would pop open to get your decisions settled.


Let Us Now Know About Recommendation Vaccinations 

Kids are supported with active encouragement from the MOH(Ministry Of Health) to get themselves vaccinated. In fact, several organizations take responsibilities for preparing kids with vaccinations. Moreover, these centres are Baby Bonus approved which give in the opportunity to avail of Child Development Account; one can also use the Baby Bonus Gift card. Also, Recommendation vaccinations is a program under the National Childhood Immunization Program. Here is a table stating the vaccination programme in details. Please do have a look to learn everything in details.



Type Of Vaccine

Time Course

Dealing Against



At the time of birth



Hepatitis B

At the time of Birth(1st Dose)

1st month(2nd Dose)

5-6 months(3rd Dose)

Hepatitis B



3rd month for 1st dose

5th for 2nd dose


1-2 year


3rd month for 1st dose

4th months 2nd dose

5th-month 3rd dose

Dipetheria, Pertussis and Titenus

18th months after birth for 1 st booster

10-11 years for 2nd booster


3rd month for 1st dose

4th months 2nd dose

5th-month 3rd dose


18th months after birth for 1 st booster

10-11 years for 2nd booster


3rd month for 1st dose

4th months 2nd dose

5th-month 3rd dose

Haemophilus Influenza type B

18th months after birth for 1 st booster


12th month 1st dose

15-18th month for 2nd dose

Measles mumps and Rubella



N.B: I. Concerning Human Papillomavirus, it is recommended vaccination for female in the age group of 9-26 with an interval of 0-2-6 months.

II. Also, getting a vaccine for measles and Diptheria is an act by law.


What About A Combination Vaccine?

Many clinics in Singapore also offers a series of Diptheria pertussis and tetanus vaccines altogether as a combination of vaccines. Here, the formulation is combined for several issues into one. Again, this method reduces the number of injections for your child.

     The 5-1 injection include-vaccines against tetanus/pertussis/Diptheria, polio, Haemophilus influenza type B(Hib).

     The 6-1 injection includes-vaccines against pertussis/Diptheria/tetanus(DPT), polio, Haemophilus influenza type B and hepatitis.

     The MMRV injection includes- vaccines for mumps, measles, rubella(MMR) and chickenpox.

What About Those Optional Childhood Vaccines?

Additional protection is what every parent should go for. Here is a list of those optional vaccines you need to consider-

     Varicella vaccine: With this vaccination, you can offer chickenpox protection if you take all the 2nd dose. After your kid turns 1, it is time for the 1st dose. After six weeks from the same, go for the 2nd dose.

     Influenza vaccination: As the name suggests, this vaccination protects kids from the influenza virus, which causes one flu, pneumonia and, in some severe cases, death. Since the virus strain is a constant change, it is recommended to vaccinate your kid annually. Also, if your kid is a 9-year old(getting this vaccination for the 1st time), then there will be two doses which will be one month apart.

     Rotavirus vaccination: This vaccine offers protection from rotavirus gastroenteritis(a typical kind of diarrhoea amongst small children). These diseases can stay for long or for some days, which can lead to dehydration and hospitalization. Also, two types of virus require a series of two or three doses; it entirely depends on the parent and situation.

N.B: You can also opt for the Travel Vaccination, which is set explicitly for specific regions. Therefore getting shot before taking on trips is suggested for your kids.



Well, this is everything that you need to look at for supporting a better immunity program for your kids. For details, look for vaccination for kids Singapore, kids vaccination Singapore and vaccination for baby in Singapore. This search will deliver you with potential clinics to meet your demands at their best. Therefore here you go with your parenting. 





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