What Causes Your Hair to Fall? - Hair Loss Therapy, A Myth or Reality?

To understand the causes of hair loss, we need to know what hair fall is. In medical terms, hair loss is also known as alopecia. It mostly affects our scalps. Though it mainly targets the aged, it can happen to young adults as well, even the children. Now, one of the most popular myths is that if you lose a single hair, you are suffering from hair fall. That is not true at all. It is natural to lose 30-50 hair every day. That amount is not noticeable at all. The problem occurs when the new hair doesn’t replace the lost hair. It means, your hair growth has stopped. If you think you are losing more hair, then you should get in touch with a hair loss clinic soon. You find several clinics in Singapore that provides a cure for hair loss.

hair loss clinic

Primary reasons behind your hair loss

Hair loss can happen to an individual for many reasons. Sometimes hormonal shuffling can lead to hair fall, such as:

  • It can happen at the time of pregnancy
  • Could happen after childbirth
  • Menopause can cause hair loss in some cases

When you will visit your dermatologist, he/she will try to understand the root of your problem. One of the most common causes of hair loss is genetic. It could pass from your ancestors to you. There are other reasons for hair fall too, like:

  • A higher level of thyroid
  • Scalp infections
  • It could happen due to cancer
  • High blood pressure is one of the common reasons
  • Suffering from depression
  • Arthritis

Sometimes hair fall could happen from sudden shocks, like witnessing someone’s death or accident or higher level of anxiety or extreme weight loss. It could also happen due to high fever.

There are external reasons too. Hair loss can happen due to pollution or if you are using any cosmetic product, it may lead to hair loss. So, try to apply a smaller amount first. If you notice hair fall, stop using the product immediately. It can also cause improper lifestyles, like:

  • Improper diet
  • Inadequate amount of protein, iron and other essential nutrients
  • Not having enough sleep

Hair loss therapy

Thanks to the progression of medical science, hair loss treatment is now possible. Many medications and treatments are showing positive results of hair growth. But it is strongly advised, not to use any medication before consulting a dermatologist. They will examine your whole system and will tell you how to go into the next step. In most cases, a simple change in lifestyle or diet is enough. Otherwise, use the medications prescribed by your dermatologist.

If the medications don’t show any sign of change, the doctors will proceed for surgical procedures.

Hair transplant surgery alters a small area of your skin, which has hair, to the bald areas of your scalp. This is the best option for those who have lost their upper head hair. One surgery will not be enough. They might have to go through several surgeries to see visible results.
In the scalp reduction process too, the scalp area with less hair is replaced with other parts of the scalp that has hair.

These surgical procedures could be very expensive. Though now you can find a lot of fine clinics for hair loss treatment in Singapore who doesn’t charge much but provides very good results. Search for the best one near you.


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